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When it comes to owning gaming systems you are probably familiar with the fact that wireless controllers need batteries to operate. These batteries can be anything from battery packs that are rechargeable that you can buy two regular AA or AAA batteries.
Because the Nintendo Switch is an on the go device many people are curious exactly what batteries are needed or if you need batteries for the Nintendo Switch controllers.
Nintendo Switch controllers come pre-installed with a rechargeable battery pack. This means you will never need to add batteries for your Nintendo Switch controllers. They simply recharge every time they are attached to the Nintendo Switch.
This is extremely convenient as most controllers that are wireless will have to be either put on a charger where you cannot play them or have the batteries replaced. If you choose to replace the batteries you will find out that you are spending quite a bit of money on batteries for your controllers.
Want to take your Nintendo Switch to the next level? Then check out this Nintendo Switch accessory bundle by clicking here.
Do you love your Switch but want to stand out from everyone else with the same model? Then look no further than this custom Joy-Con grip.
This Joy-Con grip will make your Switch console look amazing and you can even choose the one that fits your style the best!
What is the best charging dock for Switch controllers?
If you own a Nintendo Switch then you know that the controllers for the gaming console need to be charged quite often. Even though these Nintendo Switch controllers last for almost 20 hours, many people will still keep a second set of Switch controllers with them so they can change them out and not stop playing.
While some people only use the controllers that came with the Switch, there are many other people who will use an aftermarket controller as they are cheaper. No matter what controller you own, you have probably needed to dock more than one controller at a time to charge.
No matter if you have a brand new controller, or one from Amazon, they will all need to be charged as some point. The best charging dock for the Switch controllers can be found by clicking here.
This Switch controller can hold four individual JoyCon controllers at the same time, or a pro controller and two JoyCons without any issues.
The simple design of this charger allows you to easily slide in the controllers to charge. Unlike other docking stations this charging dock has color indication lights so you know when the batteries on your controller are full.
The entire tower that the controller slides onto will light up red when you put the controller on to it and then turn green when it is done charging. Other charging stations only have a little indicator light or no light at all.
Is it better to buy JoyCons or cheap Switch controllers?
We’re looking to buy more controllers for your Nintendo Switch, you will probably realize that the JoyCon controllers are fairly expensive. Even though you technically get two controllers with every JoyCon purchase most people do not prefer to use the half controller because it would be too small for their hands.
Another reason people do not like to purchase the JoyCon controllers is simply because of how expensive they are. You can easily buy two or three other full-sized controllers for the price of one JoyCon controller.
Just because something is cheaper though does not always mean that it is better. This is why many people want to know if it’s better to buy JoyCons or cheap controllers.
It is better to purchase a cheap controller for your Nintendo Switch as they last just as long and work just as well if not better. You can choose either a pro controller for your Nintendo Switch or you can purchase different brands of Switch controllers that are similar to the JoyCon.
Some people prefer to purchase only name brand controllers for their consul as they are worried that cheaper ones will not work as well. Although this has been a big concern in the past, today controllers are able to work just as well as officially licensed ones without any issues.
If you want to purchase the official JoyCon controllers just to be on the safe side, you are not alone. There are many people that prefer to purchase the Nintendo Switch JoyCon controllers and will buy them by clicking here.
Can you overcharge Switch JoyCons?
When you’re charging your Nintendo Switch controllers obviously one thing you want to be cautious about is overcharging them. This is because many batteries when they are overcharged will become damaged or even completely ruined.
Because Nintendo has safety features normally on their consoles and controllers though many people wonder if you can overcharge a JoyCon. Even though you will try to never overcharge it you may be looking for peace of mind if you ever do.
Thankfully you cannot overcharge a JoyCon controller as the batteries are specifically designed to not overcharge. This means you can leave your JoyCon controllers plugged in all night or for even a couple days straight and not worry about the batteries in them becoming damaged.
Nintendo always goes above and beyond when it comes to protecting its customers and standing behind its products. Not being able to over charge your JoyCon is just one more way that Nintendo proves they care about their customers.
Other companies have had issues with their batteries becoming damaged when they are overcharged. Nintendo though has many different safety measures in place to make sure that you cannot overcharge your battery.
The Nintendo Switch is one of the most popular gaming consoles that Nintendo has ever produced. Just because something is super popular though does not mean that it is perfect and does not have any issues.
Thankfully when Nintendo produced the Switch, they did not cut any corners which is why there have not been any issues reported with the Nintendo Switch. Even today many people still own the Nintendo Switch and are playing them every single day.
Now that you know the Nintendo Switch controllers do not need batteries, you will not have to worry about ever buying rechargeable batteries or alkaline batteries for your controllers again. Nintendo wanted to give its users the best experience possible and they know not having to worry about batteries would help them do that.
Because the JoyCon controllers do have built-in batteries though they will need to be charged. You can charge them by either sliding them onto the Switch console or you can purchase a docking station for the controllers to charge independently.
One of the best charging docks for the Nintendo Switch is the Fast Snail controller charger. This charger can handle 4 individual JoyCons or two JoyCons and a pro controller.
Because of its fast charging and it’s versatility many people will purchase this docking station to keep their controllers charged. It is lightweight and even has charging indicator lights so you can see when your controllers are fully charged just by glancing at the docking station.
Even though most people prefer to purchase cheaper controllers instead of JoyCons there are still some people that like to purchase the more expensive officially licensed controllers. Because the cheaper controllers last just as long as the JoyCons many people like to purchase the cheaper ones and save money.
If you do purchase an official JoyCon controller though you will never have to worry about the batteries that are in them being overcharged. This is because Nintendo has gone above and beyond to make sure that their systems are safe.
So go ahead and purchase your Nintendo Switch controllers and get them charged so you can have nonstop fun playing on your Switch!