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The Nintendo Switch is a great device, and an amazing gaming console, but you may have come across an issue with your system. To fix the issue you probably want to know if your Switch is under warranty.
If you didn’t purchase the Switch originally or are unsure how long ago it was purchased then you will definitely want to know about the warranty.
To find out if your Switch is still under warranty you just need to go contact Nintendo’s customer service and ask. You will need your serial number for your Switch when you speak with them.
The warranty varies depending on where a console was purchased. If you bought a used console from eBay or Craigslist, then the warranty will usually cover just one year from the date of the original purchase (for example, if the owner bought a Nintendo Switch in July of 2020, then your warranty was only for 12 months starting from that).
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What is covered under warranty on the Switch?
Buying a Nintendo Switch has probably been one of the best decisions you have made recently. If you are having issues with your Switch, you are probably wondering what exactly is covered.
Even though it is a free warranty, you should still know what is covered under their warranty. So what is covered under the warranty for the Switch?
The 12 month warranty that Nintendo offers covers broken screens, faulty charging ports, and other problems with the console. It also covers you if the official gamepad breaks for whatever reason.
If your Nintendo Switch has been damaged by water or liquid, then it may not be covered by warranty anymore. If it has been submerged in water, you will need to pay at least $199 USD to cover any costs for repairs.
If your Nintendo Switch is out of warranty, then you can submit a repair request for your issue. You will then need to provide the serial number of your console and some photos of it.
They will then send you an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) code that you will need to complete the repair request process. Once they receive your console, it will take about 10 business days for them to fix your console.
Depending upon the damage, it may be cheaper to simply buy a new Switch rather than sending it in to be fixed. The device is only $300 brand new, and repairs can be over $400 depending upon the damage.
This is why most people will just buy a new Switch if their first one is damaged or not working properly. If it is not an easy fix, it will probably be cheaper to just buy a brand new Switch.
Do you need a receipt for the Nintendo Switch warranty?
Your Switch unlike many other gaming consoles may not have been purchased from a distributor. This is largely due to a large shortage of the devices and people buying them to resell them at a higher price.
If you ended up paying a higher price just to get a Switch, you are not alone. There are many people who paid more than what the Switch was worth just because they could not find one available in a store.
Many people were even buying them at these high prices to give as gifts because they could not find them available anywhere. Normally if something isn’t available you can just wait a week or so, but that was not true with the Nintendo Switch.
While it is legal to buy and resell the device, many people are curious how that works with the warranty for the device. Do you need a receipt to prove that you bought it if you are sending it in for warranty work?
You should always keep your proof of purchase for your Switch, but most of the time it is not required. Nintendo can look up the console and see how long ago it was purchased and if it was still under warranty.
The Switch is built extremely well, and while you may not have problems with it, it is always best to have proof of purchase. THis will tell you when it was purchased and will let you know where you are in regards to warranty on the console.
A warranty is extremely good to have, and will give you peace of mind when buying anything. Because the Switch comes with a 12 month warranty from the time it was purchased, people should always keep track of when they purchased it.
How do I register a warranty on the Switch?
The Nintendo Switch seems like it is never on a shelf of any store ever. While some stores get them in stock, they normally sell within a few hours of hitting the shelves. Not only is this because they are popular, but also because there was a shortage and people are still waiting to buy one for over a year.
If you were lucky enough to buy a Switch, you may be worried about the warranty of the device. Once you have the Switch, how would you register the warranty for the Switch?
There is no need to register your Switch warranty. It is not required as the warranty is based upon the original date of the sale of the Switch.
This means that you have 12 months from the time it is purchased for the device to be covered under warranty. Some places will give you 12 months after it is registered and you will need to send in a registration card.
You do not have to do this with a Switch, as Nintendo made it easy on the consumer. In order for your warranty to start for your Switch all you have to do is simply purchase the device from the store.
Not having to register your device is one less thing that you have to worry about when you bring home your Switch and immediately want to open it and start playing games on it. Nintendo made it easy for you to enjoy the Switch and get the warranty without ever sending anything into them.