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Do you love to play arcade games, but hate the prices they are charging today just to play one? Don’t you wish that there was a way that you could play one without paying? Well in this article we will answer all of your questions!
So how do you play arcade machines for free?
Although there are some reports of glitching on certain machines that allow you to play for free, this is not the way they were intended to operate. The other option is to have access to the machine where you can choose how much a player has to pay. Since most people aren’t lucky enough to catch a machine during a glitch and don’t have access to the mainframe of a machine, most people have to just pay the price on the machine to play the game.
If you are interested in learning more about arcade machines and learning how to possibly play them for free, you will want to keep reading. You can also watch this short video that will show you some tricks to play an arcade machine for free!
Do you LOVE classic arcades and arcade machines? Then you have to check out these amazing machines for your game room by clicking here.
If you have a game room (or want one) you have to check out this classic arcade game console that attaches directly to your TV.
This machine has classic arcade controls but hooks directly up to your big-screen TV so you can easily move it (even if you don’t have a dedicated game room).
Oh, and did I mention that it has 5,000 games built in that you can play anytime you like?!?!
History of arcade machines.
Arcade machines games have been one of the major staples for every gaming era. The games carry more than just gameplay with them. They actually signify events and eras during the time they were created. They also represent cultures, myths and portray part of the entertainment world.
For example, movies like street fighter were directly influenced by the CAPCOM game itself Streetfighter, the Tron movie influenced its game, Tron, and Donkey Kong was a movie influenced by both King Kong the movie and the famous Beauty and the Beast story.
Arcade games have actually played a lot of important roles in the following areas:
1. They have served as the means for fun and recreation
Arcade game machines have served as part of entertainment and recreation for kids for many years. Not only that, but even adults play arcade games as a means of relaxation and stress relief.
2. They are culture creators
Arcade games have played a very good role in creating cultures. In most societies now, gaming is a necessity for kids and thus parents are obligated to purchase or give money in the cases of the arcade to create the best experience of their childhood. In another aspect, arcade games have become influencers in culture. Without the rise of Pac-man and other arcade games, the movie Pixels wouldn’t be created or wouldn’t have the same outlook as it has.
3. Arcade games have officially become a sport nowadays
Due to its competitive nature, arcade games have led to it becoming a sport. Arcade games have high scores which increases their competitive nature. Arcade games also have a versus mode where you can combat each other and show off your skills. This has led to the creation of a mainstream sports competition where people get to become gamers as a real profession.
4. They are cultural preservers
Due to its continuity feature, arcade games tend to preserve cultures. Think about Super Mario, and Pac-man. Where would they be now if it wasn’t for arcade games. Kids today wouldn’t have ever known about games like this if it wasn’t for playing the latest versions through arcade game machines.
5. They offer employment opportunities
When I say employment opportunities the first thing that comes into people’s minds is the arcade storekeeper.Although the storekeeper is important, that is not the main employment opportunity. If we look at the makers of arcade machines we can see that companies such as NAMCO, CAPCOM, etc. have over a thousand employees specifically for arcade gaming.
This includes a list of graphic designers, programmers, engineers, IT maintenance technicians, etc. We should also look at the buyer’s and sellers’ market where a lot of store managers and workers were employed due to the existence of arcade machines. Even today we still have technicians and repair experts that are employed to fix arcade machines. Lastly in the media world, we have game critics specifically for arcade game reviewing.
6. They have generated income streams for a lot of people.
Dealers, companies (arcade game manufacturers), and store owners all have earned incomes through the invention of arcade machines. Normal people like you and me have become billionaires through conducting an arcade gaming business. Also, we have companies like Namco who have earned billions producing games for Arcade games like Tekken, Pac-man, and many more. Let’s not forget about the spare parts dealers who sell the gaming spare parts as well. Because arcades are machines and machines need maintenance, they are also able to earn money through selling the pieces when an arcade machine breaks.
7. Arcade games have been known to educate.
Games like space invaders give people the idea about space and what it is. Games like NBA JAM have various basketball rules to help players learn about basketball and how to play and what rules need to be followed. This is how they educate about the sport, how it’s played, teams and different players.
8. Arcade games can boost intelligence
Arcade games have been known to boost intelligence in kids. Some of the arcade games tend to be strategic. This is how they work on how to solve certain problems in certain situations. A very good example is games with Mazes like Pac-man. Pac-Man is known to boost intelligence through maze solving. Not only has Pac-man built algorithms in intelligence. Ghosts in Pac-man have been known to be very unpredictable even though gaming is built by algorithms. This is why the more you play it, the more you learn how the algorithms for the monsters or ghosts in Pac-man occur.
9. Arcade games are good brand marketers
Brands like the NBA and their teams tend to get promotions every time arcade games incorporate them into their games thus serving as sports ambassadors.
Arcade games have been ambassadors for Technology development
Arcade games have put technology in the right place to focus. On the aspect of graphic designs, the arcade machines are responsible for advancing its threshold level by releasing improved versions of it from time to time.
Arcade machines can be played for free using the following ways.
1. Codes
If you have played GTA then you are not a stranger to this word cheat codes. In the gaming world, cheat codes are used to overcome and surpass some of the forbidden levels without following the game’s protocols. Now in cheat codes, games like Mortal Kombat have been reported to have cheats that aid you in gaining free coins. However, it’s not publicly stated but it has been proven sometimes.
2. Through the fee setup
The only one with access to this is the owner. Its located on the coin slots where it requires you to open the slots and do some setups
3. Glitching of the arcade games
Some arcade games have been known to glitch. A glitch is the misbehavior of a program’s code. This is why games like Tempest have been known to glitch and provide free plays.
The list of known games to provide free plays or arcade games that you can play for free are
- Mortal Kombat 3
- Tempest
- Konami
Although it is very difficult to find an arcade machine to play for free, it is actually possible. You should be aware that if you try and hack a game to play it for free, you are liable if you get caught by the arcade manager. So the next time you go to play a game for free, you should just be sure you are not going to get into any real trouble. The $1 game price probably isnt worth going to jail.