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Have you ever played Mario Kart and wondered why Donkey Kong was in the game? Maybe you just purchased the game and you were told that he was the best character in the game, but you weren’t sure why he was even on it? Well, in this article we will go over everything you need to know about Donkey Kong and why he is in Mario Kart.
So why is Donkey Kong in Mario Kart?
Donkey Kong is in Mario Kart as they are both owned by Nintendo and they are both main characters in the Nintendo world. Because they are both main characters, having both players in the same game helps sell the game better.
If you want to know more about Donkey Kong and Mario, you will want to keep reading this article. Before we look at the different games that include both DOnkey Kong and Mario, we should look at who the two characters are.
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Who is Donkey Kong?
Donkey Kong is a character that belongs to the Donkey Kong series. Mario is a character that belongs to the Mario franchise. The game first came as an arcade game. The storyline was such that in its first release, King Kong was the enemy and opponent who had Mario’s girl in custody while the subsequent versions had a somewhat different storyline. An example is the 1982 version, where the game was renamed Donkey Kong Jr, and a modification in the story sufficed also. The modified new version spotlighted Donkey Kong Jr, trying to save his father from a cage where Mario held him. He has to do so by evading a lot of obstructions on the path until he keeps his father.
More identities appeared along the line as newer editions of the story were developed. Dixie Kong featured as the girlfriend and a few other Kong characters in the publications created later.
This game cast is a cast who is in the form of a gorilla and is used in the game series called, donkey kong, a series named after him. It is worthy of note that he is often featured in most game editions on the donkey kong establishment, and also the Mario establishment. This cast made his first appearance in 1981, in the game named after him. This cast is one that has become popular to the people, as he bears the game brand name. The love people have for the cast is so much that they are interested in his relationship with other game casts. People are interested in knowing the casts he is related to by blood.
This has sparked speculations that he is related to one or more casts. Most people are really interested in his relationship with Diddy Kong. The game in which the Donkey Kong is used first came as an arcade game. The storyline was such that in its first release, Donkey Kong was the enemy, and opponent who had Mario’s girl in custody, while the subsequent versions had a somewhat different storyline. An example is the 1982 version, where the game was renamed Donkey Kong Jr, and a modification in the story sufficed also. The modified new version spotlighted Donkey Kong Jr, trying to save his father from a cage where Mario held him. He had to do so by evading a lot of obstructions on the path until he reached his father.
Who is Mario?
Mario actually debuted as Jumpman in the Donkey Kong arcade game of 1981. In this series, Jumpman is seen to be mistreating an ape. Donkey Kong is then seen to kidnap the girlfriend of Jumpman, the lady, later named Pauline. So, the mission of a player in this game is to rescue the lady, by taking up the role of Jumpman. Mario, a popular and another creation of the famous Nintendo producer Miyamoto. The character, alongside his brother, fights and jumps on obstacles in the first series to destroy enemies. In other series, the games are also multiplayer enabled; it avails users the opportunity to control both Mario and his brother.
Infinite series of the game continues to feature Mario and bowser fights. In a particular sequence, Mario, alongside his brother, fights against the Koopas to save a Princess.
Another series sees players battling while the head of the Koopa clan as he breathes fire and throws objects while the brother’s dodges and attacks. The rivalry continues in the 1990 edition of super Mario bros 3, where the players will have to defeat the bowser by direct attack or a subtle approach of creating a hole in the bricks till the enemy falls into the abyss. The arch-enemy turns a big beast in the 2009 edition, where it chases and spits fireballs.
Mario not only battled its great antagonist, but the donkey kong was also an enemy too. An edition saw the fight between Donkey Kong fighting Mario as he holds Pauline in custody and the next version, which turns the tide and sees Donkey Kong Jr fighting to save his father from Mario. Another edition featured Kong as a civilian to enter and destroy a toy shop and away with some. Mario chased Donkey Kong in this version till he can retrieve the stolen toy from him. The rivalry continues even in a puzzle edition of the series.
From the different game editions, it is glaring and easy to spot that rivalry between Mario and donkey kong, then between him and the head of the koopas.
Why are Donkey Kong and Mario together?
From our description of the history of the characters, Mario and Donkey Kong, we can see that it is not a new thing to be appearing in the series of one another. This is because both Mario and Donkey Kong belong to the Nintendo game franchise. The Nintendo franchise is the one that develops these characters. They interchange their game casts in different game series made by them.
What games are Mario and Donkey Kong together in?
Mario appeared in the Donkey Kong series of 1981, as well as Donkey Kong appearing in the Mario Kart series. This is not the only game that they both appear in. Both Donkey Kong and Mario appear in many different games that Nintendo has made. They are in games that are battle games such as Mario Golf, Super Smash Brothers, Mario Tennis, Mario Baseball, Mario Strikers, and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games.
In all of these different games you can play as multiple different characters and battle it out to see who is really better than the other person. These games are extremely popular, and many people love to play these games. Not only are they fun because you can battle your friends, but the different characters all have different strengths and weaknesses that you have to choose while you are playing the game. Sometimes it is better to play with Mario and Sometimes it is better to play with Donkey Kong. No matter who you play as in these games, you are bound to have fun!
We have seen that both Mario and Donkey Kong belong to the Nintendo game series. This is why they appear in series with each other. They are in many different games and no matter what game you play, you are bound to have fun playing these games!