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What Games Come On The Sega Genesis Classic?

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Have you been looking at buying a Sega Genesis Classic, but you weren’t sure if it was worth it? Maybe you only care about specific games released by Sega, so you want to know what games the console comes with. Well, in this article we will go over everything you need to know about the Sega Genesis Classic. 

So what games come on the Sega Genesis Classic?

Depending upon which version of the Sega Genesis Classic you purchase will depend upon what games come with it. Different versions come with different games as well as a different number of games. The 2019 release comes with 42 games, the 2018 version comes with 81 games, and the 2017 version comes with 85 games. 

If you want to know more about what specific games are on each version, you will want to keep reading. Below we will give the specific games that are included on each model. We will start with the oldest model (2017) and work our way to the newest model at the bottom. 

If you are wanting to find the games on the 2019 model you can just scroll down to that list. 

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Sega Genesis Mini - Genesis

If you love Sega then you will want to check out this Sega Genesis Mini console. It comes with two controllers and even comes preloaded with 42 Games!

Enjoy these classic Sega Genesis games without having to purchase a single game cartridge!

2017 Sega Genesis Classic games list. 

Adventure in the Park 

Air Hockey 


Bottle Taps Race 

Break the Fireline 

Bubbles Master 




Cross the road 

Curling 2010 

Fight or Lose 

Fish Tank Live 



Jack’s Pea 

Jewel Magic 

Mahjong Solitaire 

Maze 2010 


Mr. Balls 

Naval Power 

Plumbing Contest 





Warehouse Keeper 

Alex Kidd in Miracle World 

Alex Kidd in High Tech World 

Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars 

Dragon Crystal 

Fantasy Zone 

Fantasy Zone: The Maze 

Phantasy Star 

Baku Baku 

Sonic Chaos 

Sonic Drift II 

Sonic Triple Trouble 

Tails Adventure 

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle 

Alien Storm 

Altered Beast 

Arrow Flash 

Bonanza Bros. 

Chakan: The Forever Man 


Columns III 

Comix Zone 

Crack Down 

Decap Attack 

Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine 

ESWAT: City Under Siege 

Eternal Champions 

Fatal Labyrinth 


Gain Ground 

Golden Axe 

Golden Axe II 

Golden Axe III 

Jewel Master 

Kid Chameleon 

Mortal Kombat 

Mortal Kombat II 

Mortal Kombat 3 

Phantasy Star II 

Phantasy Star III: Generations Of Doom 

Phantasy Star IV 


Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi 

Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention 

Shining Force II: The Ancient Seal 

Shining in the Darkness 

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master 

Sonic & Knuckles 

Sonic 3D Blast 

Sonic Spinball 

Sonic the Hedgehog 

Sonic the Hedgehog II 

Super Thunder Blade 

Sword of Vermilion 

The Ooze 


Vectorman II 

Virtua Fighter 2

2018 Sega Genesis Classic games list

Adventure in the Park 

Air Hockey 

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle 

Alien Storm 

Altered Beast 

Arrow Flash 

Black Sheep 


Bonanza Bros. 

Bottle Taps Race 

Brain Switch 

Break the Fireline 

Bubbles Master 





Columns III 

Comix Zone 

Crack Down 

Cross the road 

Curling 2010 

Decap Attack 

Dinosaur Puzzle 

Dominant Amber 

Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine 

ESWAT: City Under Siege 

Eternal Champions 

Fatal Labyrinth 

Fight or Lose 

Flash Memory 


Gain Ground 

Golden Axe 

Golden Axe II 

Golden Axe III 


Hidden Agenda 

Hide and Seek 

Jack’s Pea 

Jewel Magic 

Jewel Master 

Jura Formula 

Kid Chameleon 

Lost World Sudoku 

Mahjong Solitaire 

Meatloaf Rotation 

Mega Brain Switch 


Mirror Mirror 

Mortal Kombat 

Mortal Kombat II 

Mortal Kombat III 

Mr. Balls 

Mya Master Mind 

Naval Power 

Panic Lift 

Phantasy Star III: Generations Of Doom 

Phantasy Star II 

Plumbing Contest 

Ptero Spotting 


Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi 

Shining Force II: The Ancient Seal 

Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention 

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master 

Skeleton Scale 


Sonic & Knuckles 

Sonic Spinball 

Sonic the Hedgehog 

Sonic the Hedgehog II 


Super Thunder Blade 

The Ooze 


Virtua Fighter II 


Warehouse Keeper 


Yawning Triceratops 

2019 Sega Genesis Classic games list.

Ecco the Dolphin

Castlevania: Bloodlines

Space Harrier 2

Shining Force

Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine

ToeJam & Earl

Comix Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog

Altered Beast

Gunstar Heroes

Earthworm Jim

Castle of Illusion

Shinobi III

Contra: Hard Corps

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

World of Illusion

Thunder Force III

Super Fantasy Zone

Streets of Rage 2


Beyond Oasis

Ghouls ‘n Ghosts

Alex Kidd

Golden Axe

Phantasy Star IV

Street Fighter 2

Mega Man: The Wily Wars

Sonic Spinball


Wonderboy in Monster World 

Virtua Fighter 2

Alisia Dragoon


Dynamite Headdy


Kid Chameleon

Light Crusader

Monster World IV

Eternal Champions

Road Rash II



Pros and cons of Sega Genesis Classic


  • The price is good
  • The system is small and compact so you can easily find a place for it.
  • It includes six-button controllers that seem to work well.
  • The connections are easy to use. Unlike the Atari flashback, it is straightforward to just switch the game system in and out with your DVD player.
  • You get a great amount of games and some are nice ones like Golden Axe, Golden Axe 2, Golden Axe 3, Altered Beast, Columns, Sonic The Hedgehog, and many more.
  • There is a cartridge port on the 2017 and 2018 versions. If you have Original Sega Genesis games, you can actually put them into the system and play them.


  • The Mortal Kombat games are not very playable as there is quite a bit of lag.  
  • Not all of the games on the system were created by Sega. 

Should I buy a Sega Genesis Classic?

Although people have different opinions, the pros of buying a Sega Genesis Classic far outweigh the cons. You can get a great number of games for a very good price. Not only that, but since the 2017 and 2018 versions actually allow you to play your original Sega Genesis games, it is almost like getting an upgrade for your original Sega Genesis. The Classic comes with controllers, as well as it uses an HDMI port to connect the system to your TV. 

Even after removing the three Mortal Kombat games that are basically unplayable, you will still be left with a good number of great classic games. Some people complained that the music and the graphics are not the same, but personally I don’t notice a difference. Being able to take something from analog and making it digital is hard enough, and Sega has done a great job with it.  

Even though not every game is on the system, the amount of games that you do get for the price of the system is incredible! 

Are Sega Genesis games on the Nintendo Switch?

Recently Nintnedo did partner with Sega and put some of the Genesis games on the Nintendo Switch. This is great for the owners of the Nintendo Switch as they are able to get more games on their console as well as play these games that most people do not have in their homes anymore. Sega has some very iconic games, and Sonic is probably the biggest. Many people love the games that Sega has released, and having them available on the Nintendo Switch has helped many people relive their childhood. 


Now that you know about the different versions of the Sega Genesis Classic, you can decide which console is best to own. All of the Sega Genesis Classic consoles are available right here. Many people have purchased these consoles, and from the moment they are plugged in, you will begin to fall in love with Sega all over again. 

Sega has made a lot of good moves recently, and many gamers all over the world anxiously await their next move. Although Sega has not made any official announcement yet, many people are waiting for Sega to release a brand new console to compete with the consoles of today! If you want to know more about this, you can check out this article. 

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and buy that Sega Genesis Classic so you can start playing all of those awesome games in just a couple of days!